Tired outfits dull, black, basic, relaxing after two washes ? We have had had enough !
In Fit-Girlz, we think that it is perfectly possible to combine holding of sports and quality while remaining downright fashion.
Get the bodys not found in the store for a set of the most beautiful effect.

⭐️ The Star of the room ? it is you what a question ! ⭐️

Check out this body, its composition made of LYCRA will adapt to all your movements, in fact, this technology allows to stretch to reach up to 8x its size and then repositions itself without deforming.
Fitness, Yoga, Pilates, Gymnastics, relaxation, whatever your activity, this legging will be your perfect companion, discreet and comfortable to wear !
In addition, its excellent production quality ensures you an optimal comfort and a longevity without flaw.

Features :
- Type : Whole
- Thickness : Standard
- Style : Casual/Sport
- Material : Nylon + LYCRA
today, this beautiful set at a special price of34.90€instead of59.90€ !
‼️ Offers within the limit of stocks available ‼️
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